Rider and Bike Requirements
What you need to know before heading to the track
We reserve the right to turn anyone away that does not meet the rider and bike requirements. These are for your safety!
Remember to read the Rules for Everyone at the bottom!
Rider Gear Requirements for All Riders |
Riders must have leathers (two-piece that zip into one is acceptable). 360-degree zipper around the waist to prevent gapping and serious skin injury in the event of a crash is highly recommended. If you need to rent leathers, we offer Vanson Leather Rentals. Cordura
riding suits are not allowed unless the event sponsor has made arrangements
prior to the event. We
reserve the right to turn anyone away whose equipment does not meet the
above requirements. It is your responsibility to make sure your helmet
is up to date. No refunds will be given. |
Back protector - Hard shell, sanctioned race organization approved. (i.e. Alpinestars, Dainese, Knox, Bohn, etc.)
A soft foam liner does not qualify as a back protector. The foam liner offers little to no protection. CE armor is not much better.
The hardshell type back protectors offer the most protection and are the
most widely used. In the event of an accident, you need all the protection
you can get. The cost of a $125-150 back protector is far better than
the costs of spinal surgery and rehab. |
Leather boots or race approved boots (8 inches tall). Cordura hiking boots/ankle boots are not acceptable. |
Gloves - good condition, gauntlet style with closures. |
Helmet Requirements: Snell, BSI, DOT, or ECE R22.05 approved helmet (high impact tested) less than 5 years old. The production date will be located inside the helmet (depending on the brand, it may be on a sticker underneath the liner or stamped into the leather chin strap). Helmets with any visible crash damage will be rejected. Helmets are made to withstand one crash, not numerous crashes. This statement can be verified with most helmet manufacturers. If your helmet does not pass tech, you will not be allowed to ride and will not be given a refund. |
Other helpful items to bring:
~Rain gear (we ride rain or shine!)
~Earplugs (makes riding more enjoyable and makes it easier to concentrate)
~Extra Fuel (fuel pumps are available at the track if needed)
~Water, drinks & snacks (Keep yourself hydrated and your energy up throughout the day) |
Bike Requirements for Students & Beginner Group
Bikes must have oil fill cap and oil drain plug EITHER safety wired or secured with Hi-Temp Silicone. |
Liquid cooled bikes must run water only or racing approved coolant only, no anti-freeze. The racing approved coolant must be approved by WERA or CCS. Motul's product MoCool is approved by both CCS and WERA. |
Remove mirrors, tape over all glass and lights AND tape over the speedometer. You do not need the speedometer on the racetrack. It is an unsafe distraction. |
Tires must be Sport or Race compound with good tread depth. New tires are recommended. |
Please remove all previous Tech stickers from any/all organizations BEFORE coming through Tech. If you have stickers that are not removed, you will not pass Tech and you will be asked to remove them before coming back through Tech. |
Students are now permitted to use their sidestands. They are not required to zip-tie their sidestands in the up position. PLEASE NOTE: Side stand engine kill switch must be operational and will be inspected at Tech. If the sidestand engine kill switch fails, you will be required to zip-tie the kickstand in the up position. |
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Bike Requirements for Track Days
(Enthusiasts, Intermediate, Advanced/Racer) |
Bikes must have oil fill cap, oil drain plug, and oil filter safety wired. (See Safety Wire Basics for help) |
Liquid cooled bikes must run water only or racing approved coolant only, no anti-freeze. The racing approved coolant must be approved by WERA or CCS. Motul's product MoCool is approved by both CCS and WERA. |
Remove mirrors, tape over all glass and lights AND tape over the speedometer. You do not need the speedometer on the racetrack. It is an unsafe distraction. |
Tires must be Sport or Race compound with good tread depth. New tires are recommended. |
Please remove all previous Tech stickers from any/all organizations BEFORE coming through Tech. If you have stickers that are not removed, you will not pass Tech and you will be asked to remove them before coming back through Tech. |
Side stand must be secured in the up position using safety wire or zip ties. We prefer that you remove it but it is not required. You are required to have the stand secured in the up position before going onto the racetrack. Center stands must be removed. |
Racer Practice: Bikes must be prepped according to CCS/WERA requirements. |
Rules for Everyone
REGARDING THE TRACK DAY GROUPS - READ! Cornerspeed's focus, first and foremost, is safety. Our track day portion allows EVERYONE a place to work on their skills and enjoy the track in as safe an environment as possible. THESE DAYS ARE TRACK DAYS, NOT A RACER'S OPEN PRACTICE.
KEY POINTS: There are no Pro Scouts looking to sign you up for a "factory" ride. There is no large check or a winner's podium at the end of the day. Remember: No one wins practice. No one wins a track day. You are here to have fun. Treat everyone with respect. |
RACERS and EX-RACERS: These points are for everyone but especially important for those of you with racing experience:
1. Most participants at track days in the Intermediate and Advanced groups are not racers and do not intend on racing. They are Enthusiasts that have earned the right through experience and speed to be in these groups.
2. If you have the ability to ride a North Course lap time under 1:34, do not expect to get clean laps at that pace AND we may even ask you to reduce pace if the overall pace of the group is demonstratively slower. There are many aspects of control to work on such as sectoring the track and working individual corners without the necessity of posting the lowest laptime each lap.
3. What a racer considers a "spaceous pass" and what we consider giving room is very different. All inside passing, front and side of the machine, must be kept at a minimum of 6 feet (one bike length) all the way around the rider that you are overtaking including after the overtaking maneuver is completed. If you stuff or come within elbows distance or nearly clip a front tire of a rider, making what we consider an unsafe pass, you will have your track privileges revoked without refund. This must be addressed so that there are no misunderstandings regarding our philosophy and goals in providing EVERYONE a safe place to ride. While there is no guarantee against human error or negligence, we will do everything we can to insure everyone's safety. We welcome everyone to ride with us but we want everyone to know our rules and our goals for safety. |
WHAT HAPPENS IF I'M LATE AND DO NOT ATTEND THE RIDER'S MEETING? The rider's meeting is MANDATORY and very important. If you do not attend the rider's meeting, you will not be allowed to ride until you can be given the day's details by an instructor. Keep in mind, if the instructors are working, you will be waiting in the pits until we have time to go over all the information with you. You may miss a session, two, three. . . . This is for your safety and the safety of all your fellow riders. So show up early, have all your gear organized and prepared so you have a good day at the track. |
FLAGS AND TRACK ETIQUETTE For all racers and sport enthusiasts, the information in these two subjects should be engrained in your brain. Know all the flags and the procedures that go with each one. Know the pit in and pit out procedures and how to properly signal. Don't have any doubts about these before you get to the track. Example: Standing yellow and waving yellow, what's the difference and what do you do? Again, make sure you know all the flags. It's easy enough to find. The WERA Rule book is online. Use it for quick reference. Click here if you are unsure of your flags: http://maps.wera.com/rulebook/?x=1098#ch4 |
AGGRESSIVE RIDING Aggressive riding is strictly prohibited at all of our events. This includes all groups. Our schools and track day groups are for riders to learn and enjoy themselves on the racetrack. This is not a race day or a timed qualifying practice. Forget lap times. There will be times on track when you have to give way to slower riders. Remember, you are there to have fun, not set a new track record. See the section below on STUFFING. We reserve the right to remove anyone from the racing surface for any reason if we feel the person is endangering the event. |
PASSING RULES (PER GROUP) We require that students (Beginners) and sport enthusiasts (Intermediates) pass only on the outside. While this does not guarantee an accident-free day, it does reduce the chance for collision. By passing on the outside, should you make a mistake, you can ride off the track by yourself and not take a fellow rider. Cornerworkers and instructors keep a careful eye on this and your only warning comes in the rider's meeting. Also, your passes need to be wide and courteous giving your fellow rider plenty of room.
We allow inside passing in the Advanced Enthusiast/Racer Group only. These must be clean, courteous, SPACEOUS passes (minimum 6 feet between bikes including the finish of the pass). This is only a track day. Aggressive riding is prohibited. Save it for race days. |
HOW MUCH ROOM ON PASSES? The slower the rider, the more room you allow. Even in the racers group, we have a variety of skill levels from novice to pro; therefore, the use of good judgement is required. A good rule of thumb is 6 feet minimum to the side of the rider and at least two bike lengths in the front once you come around. Be kind to your fellow rider. Aggressive passing will get you removed from the track. We reserve the right to remove anyone from the racing surface for any reason if we feel the person is endangering the event. |
NO STUFFING! What is stuffing? Stuffing is defined as "any time you make a pass that causes the passed rider to alter their riding style or race line." Here's an example: Let's say you make a pass around a rider and cut back in front of him/her entering a turn. You think it's a safe pass but the rider you just passed is having to grab the front brake to keep from hitting your tailsection. You just STUFFED the rider. OR you make a pass and the rider has to change his/her line entering the turn. Again, you just STUFFED the rider. In both cases, you are violating our rules.
REMEMBER: This is only a track day. Aggressive riding is prohibited. Save it for race days. |
NO BIKE CONTACT In the event you make a mistake and make contact with another rider, you are done for the day. |
TWO FALL LIMIT What does this mean? Let's say you're feeling "spirited" and riding a bit over your head. If you go off the racing surface and fall (be it 5 mph or 50 mph+), that's number one. If you do it again, you're done for the day. Constant off track excursions should tell you (as it tells us) that you are riding over your head. You are an endangerment to yourself and riders around you. Anytime you go off the track surface whether you fall or not, you must report to the grid marshall before futher laps are completed. We reserve the right to remove anyone from the racing surface for any reason if we feel the person is endangering themselves or other participants of the event. |
HELMET AND/OR BIKE CAMERA POLICY If you are doing helmet and/or bike camera/video - you MUST take your camera and setup (helmet or bike) through Tech to be approved. If you get to the Grid Marshal and he does not see an approved sticker on your camera, you will not be allowed on track. You will be asked to either go back to the pits and remove it or go through Tech for be approved. Please use duct tape or a backup tether attached to your setup. NOTE: You are not a professional videographer - please do not ride over your limits to keep up with someone to videotape them. Do not make unsafe passes to stay with someone that you are videotaping. We reserve the right to discontinue use of cameras on track at any time. (Picture to right: Busted GoPro camera found on track - this could seriously cause issues with riders - whether from direct contact or from another rider trying to avoid it.) |
TWO WHEEL POLICY- NO WHEELIES Sometimes the front end gets light and the front tire dances a few inches off the ground. If it does, set it back down. Don't continue your drive with the front end in the air. If Rossi, Lorenzo and Hayden can keep the front end on the ground, so can you. Gratuitous wheelies are not allowed. Period. Virginia International Raceway has a two-wheel policy and we uphold it. Again: We reserve the right to remove anyone from the racing surface for any reason if we feel the person is endangering the event. |
ALCOHOL AND DRUGS This topic is taken very seriously at all tracks and violations will not be tolerated. Open containers of alcohol are not allowed at the track until the track goes cold at the end of the day and the event is over. This means from the time you arrive until the end of the day, no one in your group opens a container of alcohol. You, the rider, are responsible for your pit crew, friends and family. If ANYONE within your group is caught with an open container of alcohol while the event is running, your entire party will be escorted off the premises. WERA, CCS and ASRA equally enforce this rule. DRUGS: Recreational drugs are strictly prohibited. You also run the risk of criminal prosecution for the use of illegal substances. Don't do it. |
WHAT HAPPENS IF I BREAK THE RULES? Do we really need to tell you? At the mandatory rider's meeting on the morning of our events, we will go over all of these rules. That will be your only warning. Reprimands are at our discretion which range from having you sit out a session or two to having you pack up and go home. Riding on a racetrack is very fun. It is also dangerous; therefore, we cannot allow any rider to jeopardize another rider's safety including themselves. Follow the rules, use common sense and everyone will have a safe, fun and fast day. Thanks! |
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